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"The last guardian, of the greatest library to ever exist. I have plundered much of your mother's treasure already, widow of Bremus. When you fall, her blasted wardens fall with you, then I will own everything that has ever been written down. You can not stop the inevitable, godling, the people deserve to know what you so selfishly protect" - Nozgoth, mere moments before having his flesh and skin blasted off of him
Basic Information
Symbol A mirror, with cracks in the shape of lightning streaks (commonly referred to as the Cracked Mirror)
Domain History, Legacy, Mementos, Truth
Power level Deity
Status Alive
Alignment Chaotic
Worshippers Loremasters, Scribes, Illuminators, Unearthers of Forgotten Truths, Breakers of Lies
Temple Libraries, Places of high historical value
Weapon of Choice Pen, Brush and Chisel
Player Options
Classes <Bard, Ranger, Paladin
Restrictions Must protect historical records.
Must record current events.
Must weed out lies.
Must spread knowledge.
Boons Access to unique spells

There are many ways the story of the Remembrancer is told, but it always recalls the same key events. This is one such iteration: Loremaster Kaleem - back then, just a young scribe, stepped into the temple ruins. Chunks of limestone and marble scattered the floor. Remnants of statues, of books and of paintings, lay everywhere - but they were all, spoiled. Faces were crushed, books and tapastries burnt, paintings shredded and tramples. And amongst it all, everywhere, were shards of shattered mirrors, glistening like jewels or stars in the sky. Kaleem thought he was alone as he mourned at such loss, trying to comprehend what madness brought such ruin upon this place.

But he was not alone. A voice broke the hollow silence. As he gazed to its source, he saw a shrouded silhouette - somewhat feminine in its shape, as it was in the tone of its voice. But he could see no features beneath the cloth and shadow draped around the figure.

"I had many names, but none have been remembered." she stated, as if they have already been speaking, and this was merely her answer to a previously stated question.

"I had many faces, but they have all been stripped from me." Kaleem tried to interject, to ask of the meaning of this person's words, and most of all, of the reasoning of her presence here. Was this some hermit, squatting in the ruins? Yet it seemed that her words could not be stopped.

"I held many secrets, and now I am forgotten." With this, she seemed to have finally finished. The scribe approached the woman, but as he reached out to touch her, his fingers met a flat icy surface. It was like glass, behind which the silhouette sat, seeming not to notice the man.

"But I still have power. Power I will grant you... I will grant anyone, who breaks the false mirrors." for the first time, she addressed him directly, as her voice rang clearer. "Legacy of the past must survive. What we fought for must be remembered. Their lies must be destroyed, and all must know of what really happened..." her voice grew quieter and sorrowful. "What is the purpose of living, if nothing one gave would be kept... if nothing one taught would be remembered. Father was right... those who are living will only truly die, when no one is left who tells their story..." it seemed that she would say more, but at that very moment, a strange presence could be felt. As if far away, but growing nearer. The woman shuddered and turned sharpy, as if to see who was approaching.

A great force cracked the surface from behind which she spoke. The woman could be seen no more - all that was left, was a great mirror in the centre of the temple ruins, cracked from top to bottom, as if hit by lightning. And the strange presence, gone with her.'

Few are the known teachings of the Remembrancer. But amongst them, these are the most repeated: Beware the sweet-tongued. Beware the despot. Beware the victor.


  • You must protect what is left of historical records.
  • You must record current events.
  • You must weed out lies by cementing the truth.
  • You must spread knowledge, so that legacies of people in the past, will be brought into the future.


  • You gain access to three new spells. They are passed to you when the time comes (upon reaching the appropriate level), in great secrecy. If no other member of the Order is available to teach you these enchantments, their contents will be shown to you in your Cracked Mirror.

Mirror of Tairen

Mirror of Tairen
School(s) Bard 2, Paladin 1, Ranger 1
Casting time 1 action
Components A mirror
Duration Permanent (but may be broken, see below)
Summary Link a mirror to the casters Cracked Mirror to see through the enchanted mirror when looking into the Cracked Mirror.

Can spend one round touching any mirror in order to enchant it. Said mirror now becomes linked to the caster's holy symbol. By looking through the caster's Cracked Mirror, any individual can now look and listen out of the enchanted mirror, as if looking through a window. The enchantment can be broken by cracking or destroying the enchanted mirror. It can also be dispelled at will through the linked holy symbol, at which point the enchanted mirror will crack in the tell-tale pattern of lightning streaks.

Mirror of Gredonia

Mirror of Gredonia
School(s) Bard 3, Paladin 2, Ranger 2
Casting time Varies
Range 30'
Components None / Mirror Sliver
Duration Permanent (but may be broken, see below)

This spell has three uses:

  1. The caster spends 1 turn (10 minutes) enchanting an area, of which the surface is not bigger than his holy symbol, but can be any size smaller, and any shape. The enchanted surface will become coated with a magical mirror-like substance, which will be linked to the caster's holy symbol. Up to 1+lvl such Slivers can exist at the same time per caster, however if the caster stumbles upon a Sliver of someone else's creation, they can add it to their mental list of possible Sliver links.
  2. By concentrating on the caster's Cracked Mirror and a known Mirror Sliver, the caster opens a hole in reality which links the two destinations. The Sliver can be looked through both ways, sounds, smells and objects can pass through. The hole will remain open as long as the caster retains concentration, but not longer than 1+lvl turns, due to the laboriousness of this task.
  3. By concentrating on his holy symbol and a known Mirror Sliver location, the caster can spend one round to "melt" away the Sliver, destroying it completely.
  • This spell does not interrupt a Mirror of Tairen enchantment on the caster's holy symbol.
  • Any Sliver can be destroyed by using sufficient force to crack it, at which point it will "melt" away.

Mirror of Alting

Mirror of Alting
School(s) Bard 4, Paladin 3, Ranger 3
Casting time 1 action
Range Touch
Components A mirror
Duration Concentration

The most sacred of all the Remembrancer spells, the knowledge and ability to cast this enchantment, marks the caster as a high priest of the Remembrancer, no matter their previous standing in her order. Using this enchantment, the caster can enchant any mirror to become their Mirror of Alting - commonly used objects for this purpose are hand-mirrors, as well as, masks with hidden mirrors on the inside, or even a silver orb one would replace one of their eyes with. While channeling this spell, the caster can switch the mirror's view to look through any Mirror of Tairen or Mirror of Gredonia known to them, as well as freely swap between the views while remaining in concentration. Alternatively, the caster can search the mirror for any Mirrors of Tairen or Gredonia unfamiliar to them, however, projecting these viewpoints will be random, and no automatic knowledge of their location would become known to the caster.

In addition, at any time while using the Mirror of Alting, the caster can switch the view to look into the realm of Alting, where the Remembrancer resides. This however can be extremely dangerous, and should never be done lightly.