Spell:Mirror of Tairen

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Mirror of Tairen
School(s) Bard 2, Paladin 1, Ranger 1
Casting time 1 action
Components A mirror
Duration Permanent (but may be broken, see below)
Summary Link a mirror to the casters Cracked Mirror to see through the enchanted mirror when looking into the Cracked Mirror.

Can spend one round touching any mirror in order to enchant it. Said mirror now becomes linked to the caster's holy symbol. By looking through the caster's Cracked Mirror, any individual can now look and listen out of the enchanted mirror, as if looking through a window. The enchantment can be broken by cracking or destroying the enchanted mirror. It can also be dispelled at will through the linked holy symbol, at which point the enchanted mirror will crack in the tell-tale pattern of lightning streaks.