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"The queen of Mournheim should never forget who rules this realm... If his brother did not love her so much, that city would've been made an example of. Vuul is watching..." - Gralt
Basic Information
Domain Ghosts, Spirits, Ethereal Realm, Wraith Weapons
Power level Deity
Status Alive
Alignment Neutral
Weapon of Choice Wraith Weapons
Player Options
Classes Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Bard, Drow, Witch
Restrictions Wraith weapons don't xp drain for the player, instead xp drained must be used to upgrade the weapon.
Character is subject to this god's banes.


  • Wraith weapons don't xp drain for the player, instead xp drained must be used to upgrade the weapon


  • Vuul is watching
  • Vuul is listening


  • Phasing through the two realms at will
  • Able to phase through walls.
  • The player can turn any destroyed magical items into a wraith weapon.
  • In the ethereal realm any forge counts as a soul forge for creating or upgrading wraith weapons
  • Able to use xp harvested by the wraith weapon or character xp to upgrade any wraith weapon
  • Can attempt to force someone into the ethereal realm (Ethereal Grasp: 2/6 chance of success)
  • In the ethereal realm, movement speed is 100ft
  • Able to create a soul beacon to attract evil spirits in the ethereal realm to your location. - - This requires a sacrifice, the stronger the soul sacrificed the more powerful the beacon.