Rysal and Drogan

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"Only thing CROM hates more than a coward... is two of them!" - CROM
Rysal and Drogan
Basic Information
Symbol An item from your home, recalling memories from home.
Domain Fire, Water, Hearth, Marrige, Family, Friendship, Love, Food, Cooking, Taverns, Hospitality
Power level Deity
Status Alive
Alignment Neutral
Worshippers Halflings, Tavern owners, Cooks, Families
Temple Every home and every tavern. Halflings set up simple churches to these gods in most cities
Weapon of Choice Trident and Spear.
Player Options
Restrictions Can't deny hospitality to others.
Can only eat meat during the week
Boons Clerics can use these Tridents and Spears.
Create Water is always memorized.
Food you make removed poison and disease.


  • Can not deny hospitality to others.
  • Can only eat meat during the week.


  • Clerics can use these Tridents and Spears.
  • The character will have the create water spell memorized even if it is not on their spell list. These spells do not count towards the max amount of memorized spells.
  • Aany food prepared by the character will remove poison or disease from whomever consumes it.