Idram Dullahak

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Idram Dullahak.jpg
Idram Dullahak
Basic Information
Symbol An inverted symbol of another god
Domain Madness, Despair, Insanity, Chaos
Power level Deity
Status Alive
Alignment Chaotic
Weapon of Choice Wands
Player Options
Classes Cleric, Deathknight, Ranger, Paladin, Witch, Bard
Restrictions Chance to gain Madness every day
Boons Can use Wands of any class.
Gain Madness abilities.
Increased max. Madness.


  • Character starts with 0 Insanity counters.
  • When 10 is reached the player loses control of their character.
  • Greater restoration, wish or special healing potions can cure insanity.


  • At the start of every day the player rolls a 1d20, on a 1 an insanity counter is added to the character.


  • Worshipers can use wands of any class.
  • Max madness counters 20
  • Followers of Idram gain the following abilities at the cost of 1 insanity point to cast
    • Instill Madness/Insanity: Add 1d10 insanity counters to the target. If you roll 10, you gain 2 insanity counters
    • Instill Despair: Target's Moral is considered 0 for 1d12 turns.
    • Instill Chaos: Change target's alignment to chaotic for 1d4 rounds.

Female Form

Idram Dullahak Female.png