
From Mournheim
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Basic Information
Title(s) King Vormus the Redeemed
Domain War, Revenge, Loyality, Redemption, Death
Power level Deity
Status Alive
Alignment Lawful
Worshippers Criminals, Dishonored, Undead, Those who seek revenge, Those who actively fight the undead.
Player Options
Classes Undead, Paladin, Cleric, Bard, Witch
Restrictions Must forsake everything to push back the undead.
Must donate excess gold.
Must follow a strict code of purity.
Class name is replaced with Black Cloak Crusader.
Must wear black cloak
Boons Black cloaks will assist you.
Shapeshift into wraith.
Freely travel into the Ethereal Realm.
Increased damage against undead.
May destroy turned undead with a fate roll.
Revive at the cost of a level.
Immune to Soul Addiction.
Subject to multiple banes.


  • Followers of Vormus must forsake everything they own to their mission to push back the undead forces.
  • A character only carries gold needed, rest are donated to any other temple.
  • A strict code of purity must be followed, forsaking vices entirely.
  • The player's classes are dropped in name (mechanics are still used) and instead are referred to as a black cloak crusader.
  • The character must wear a black cloak.


  • Hated by Mournheim
  • Gold gives 0xp
  • Distrusted by everyone (reaction modifier reduced be 3)
  • Con modifier is not added when rolling for level hp.
  • Unable to own property or set up a stronghold/temple/academy ect.


  • Black cloak undead will assist you willingly in the ethereal realm.
  • Able to shapeshift into a personalized wraith form
  • Freely travel into the ethereal realm
  • All damage dealt to undead are considered a dice higher
  • Roll fate after turning an undead, positive results (depending on the power of the undead) will result in a destroy undead instead or a turn.
  • When you die you return to life in an hour with your hp maximum rolled back a level
  • You gain a wraith poleaxe (normal weapon stats, still a wraith weapon)
  • Immune to soul addiction

Wraith Forms

  • The paladin - Pink (Damage done by wraith weapon increases by 1d6)
  • The warlock - *Purple (Access to a ranged 1d10 spell cantrip)
  • The ranger - Green (Able to see in both realms at once, ethereal realm considered a favored fighting terrain (+2 to hit))
  • The bard - Turquoise (Have a drum instead of a poleaxe, a wraith mace used to beat it. At the start of combat able to give 3 allies +1d4 to hit and wisdom bonus is doubled for saving throws. Requires the use of the instrument.)
  • The brute - Yellow (Crits have a 2/6 chance of knocking an opponent back or into the air)
  • The priest - White (Cloak is white with black markings of Vormus. Able to sacrifice a spell slot to heal target for 1d8 x slot level. Additionally the user of the wraith form rolls his/her hd to get charges per day. These charges can be used to heal your hd to target ally. Replace poleaxe with a quarter staff)
  • The warrior - Red (Replace poleaxe with two sickles. Both count as wraith weapons and double the critical damage dealt)
  • The assassin - Black (Access to backstab, hide in shadows, move silently similar to a thief. +2 Modifier to being detected. Wraith weapon becomes a single dagger)
  • The elemental - Orange (All fire damage is treated as physical in regards to immunity. +1d4 Fire damage)
  • The warden - Brown (+3 AC)
  • The guardian - Grey (Enemies within 5ft of you deal half damage.)
  • The tactician - Gold (Able to transfer xp drained to another character. Gain 1 ability or spell from that character until the end of the day.)
  • The cleric - Silver (Able to revive a character once a day. Gain +2 to hit / +1 damage for each ally below half hp)

All wraiths have the following abilities:

  • Immune to physical damage
  • Able to phase through walls
  • Can be turned