Answers About Canada

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"Provincial/federal loan guarantee programs with clear parameters could create a powerful force for accelerating capital into Indigenous-led projects," said Michael Bonner, head of Canadian business banking at Bank of Montreal.

The federal government will update next steps for a loan guarantee program in its budget, said Katherine Cuplinskas, spokesperson for the finance minister. She did not answer questions about the program's dollar value or whether it would include oil and gas projects.

It was the first game ever played at the Mount Royal Arena. Montreal insectarium won 14-7 (yes, 14-7).

Montreal Protocol was formed on 16th September. It was formed in year 1987.

Wind and solar deals are also happening, such as Greenwood Sustainable Infrastructure's C$200-million solar farm in Saskatchewan, announced in January, which will be at least 10% owned by Ocean Man First Nation.

A federal loan guarantee would allow First Nations to borrow at favorable rates, enabling them to profit, said Niilo Edwards, CEO of First Nations Major Projects Coalition, an Indigenous-owned organization that is advising First Nations on 17 projects worth a combined C$40 billion.

At least 38 Canadian energy projects were announced with Indigenous investment between 2022 and 2024, ranging in value from C$13 million to C$14.5 billion ($10.69 billion), according to the Fasken law firm, which has worked on some of the projects.

WINNIPEG, Manitoba/TORONTO, April 2 (Reuters) - Canada's First Nations are eyeing their biggest opportunities yet to invest in multi-billion-dollar energy projects from pipelines to power lines, hinging on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau keeping a promise this spring to make the deals easier to finance.

The government, which is trying to cut greenhouse gas emissions, has not said whether oil and gas projects will be included but if they are then they would represent some of the biggest Indigenous investment opportunities, from the government-owned Trans Mountain oil pipeline to TC Energy's Coastal GasLink pipeline.

Enbridge is willing to sell Indigenous stakes in all types of assets, including North America's biggest oil pipeline network, the Mainline, said executive vice-president of liquids Colin Gruending, adding that a Mainline deal would be complex because it crosses the Canada-U.S.