The Unspoken Secrets Of Birth Defect Case

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Birth Defect Lawyers

Parents may be overwhelmed by medical bills if their child is ill at birth. If you believe that your child's birth defect was the result of negligence in the medical field or exposure to certain drugs, then you may be entitled to compensation.

A Hudson, NY birth defects lawyer can help you pursue justice.

Birth Defects and Causes

Certain birth defects occur because of genetic changes or chromosomes. These issues may be passed down from parents who have these disorders, or they can result from a mutation in a fertilized ovum. These issues can alter the way that the body functions or develops. These genetic issues may be minor or serious.

Birth defects can also be caused by environmental factors during fetal development. These include chemicals and toxins like those found in industrial solvents such as benzene and Trichloroethylene (used in dry cleaning) and perchloroethylene (used to strip paint and in painting and degreasing of metals). These include exposure to heavy metals like lead, arsenic or mercury used in manufacturing and power plants. These toxic substances are known as teratogens. They can cause serious harm to a developing baby.

A medical professional can cause a birth defect because of incompetence, for example, failing to diagnose or treat the mother's health issue during pregnancy or after the child is born. A doctor may be negligent if they prescribe medication that can cause birth defects or administer medication incorrectly. A medical malpractice case could be brought against the doctor who committed the error. A birth injury lawsuit can also be brought against an employer who places a pregnant worker in a situation in which they are exposed to an unsafe substance.

Medical Malpractice

Birth defects are structural modifications in the body that adversely affect its appearance or function. According to the CDC, these conditions can affect any body part or organ.

Parents often want to know the cause of a birth defect. The most commonly cited causes of these disorders are medical negligence or exposure to teratogen chemical. A birth defect lawyer with years of experience can assist families in investigating the causes of birth defects and then file a lawsuit against the responsible parties.

Birth injuries usually have a time limit of only 1 year. Parents must act swiftly once they discover an anomaly in the birth, and then connect it with the injury. Documenting receipts, bills, and credit card payment records, along with other evidence, will aid in proving your claim for compensation.

While it's nice to have more time taking the shock of finding out that a child was born with an injury or defect at birth but this isn't an option in a legal claim. This is why it is essential to find a reputable birth defect lawyer and birth injury attorney who will take care of all the preceding actions in a timely manner.

Product Liability

Modern medicine and technology have greatly reduced the risk of childbirth. However, union gap birth defect attorney injuries and defects remain possible. If you believe that medical professionals were reckless or negligent during pregnancy, birth and labor, your child could have suffered injuries. You may be entitled to compensation for your losses.

Levy Konigsberg's birth defect lawyers can help you determine whether you are entitled to sue the doctor hospital and other parties involved. Our team has the knowledge and resources required to protect your rights, including the assistance of specialized medical and scientific experts to discover and connect your child's condition with exposure to chemicals or other environmental factors.

valley park birth defect lawsuit defects can range in severity and impact a child's appearance, quality of life, and life expectancy. Our firm can offer expert advice and insight on the merits a claim in the event that your child's illness is a result of medical negligence, prescription drugs, toxic chemical exposure, or environmental factors. Contact us today to start the process of obtaining compensation for your losses. We are able to examine your case at no cost and without any obligation. We only get paid if we succeed in your case or settle it.

Toxic Exposure

Many people are exposed to chemicals and toxins on every day basis as a result of their jobs or environments. Unfortunately certain toxins are known to cause birth defect (teratogens) and could harm babies. Parents who believe that their child has an abnormal birth result due to exposure to chemicals might be qualified for compensation.

One of the most frequent causes of birth defects is exposure to chemicals during pregnancy. Certain of these chemicals, including toxic solvents used in the semiconductor industry are known to cause birth defects in babies born without. Our firm has handled numerous cases against the largest companies globally in these cases, and has won billions of dollars in settlement agreements.

It is known that exposure to organic solvents, like tetrachloroethylene, trichloroethylene, and toluene (TCE) and benzene as well as Vinyl Chloride at Camp Lejeune can increase the likelihood of developing childhood cancers including hematopoietic, and birth defects. SSRIs and other prescription medications like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are also believed to have been linked with a variety of birth defects.

Victoria Phillips is a Partner at Phillips & Paolicelli. She is a specialist in complex litigation involving product liability including birth defect lawsuits and corporate defendants that cause pain and suffering for families whose lives are devastated because of their negligence. She is a graduate of Williams College and Columbia Law School, and is admitted to practice law in New York and new philadelphia birth Defect lawsuit Jersey.